MD Internation joined Canadian Pakistani Support Group Association to support the project of Maskan- Transitional Shelter Home for Women & Children. Since 2019, Maskan has supported more than 90 women and children who were fleeing from violence. This year the campaign started to build a shelter facility in Maskan which could provide sustainability to the project and overcoming the challenges of …
Archives: New's
Education-130 Out of School Children
MD International as an organization with the mission to provide relief and support across the globe started a campaign to support the education of out-of-school children. Around 258 million children and adults are out of school in the world, deprived of their fundamental education rights. Sustainable development goal 4 ensures inclusive and equitable education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for …
Ramadan Food Hampers- 230 Families
This Ramadan MD International stepped up with the Community Organizations to support the Families in Calgary affected by COVID19. In the spirit of Ramadan, 230 Families were provided with Ramadan Food Hampers which contained essential food items and sanitization kits (masks and sanitizer). This drive was a joint venture of MD International, Canadian Pakistani Support Group Association (CPSG), MOSAIC, Muslim …
Fundraiser- Vaccination in Yemen & Palestine
MD International has taken the initiative in collaboration with Islamic Relief Canada to provide COVID19 vaccination in Yemen and Palestine. COVID19 has impacted the whole world! In countries like Yemen and Palestine, the people in crisis may never get access to vaccination. This initiative will save lives in the communities affected by the crisis. Let’s Donate $5 to Vaccinate one …
Meals for You!
“Meals for U “ is a joint venture of MD-International Canadian Pakistani Support Group Association & Maskan Live for Humanity, MOSAIC volunteers Calgary Pakhtun Association Sindhi Community of Alberta Burhan Khan (BK) This service is to provide hot and cooked meals to Covid positive families who are low income and cannot afford to buy hot foods from an authentic restaurant. …
I am a COVID Guardian
MD International stepped in desperate times and pioneered a community initiative “I am a COVID Guardian”. The initiative went viral among all community members and everyone participated in this fight against COVID. This awareness campaign engaged community organizations, leaders, youth, and the general public united against the COVID. “ I am COVID Guardian “ Campaign by MD-International MDI has taken …
Parents reminded of September spike in asthma cases
CALGARY – Alberta Health Services (AHS) reminds parents of the September spike in pediatric asthma flare-ups that occurs approximately two weeks after the start of the new school year.
Novartis halts distribution of Zantac drug amid probe into impurities
The Swiss drugmaker’s decision follows an investigation by U.S. and European regulators into the presence of the impurity, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), in the ranitidine drug and a distribution halt in Canada announced late Tuesday.